Friday, March 27, 2009

hysterics in a bottle

"If you take someone's thoughts and feelings away, bit by bit, consistently, then they have nothing left, except some gritty, gnawing shitty little instinct, down there, somewhere, worming round the gut, but so far down, so hidden, it's impossible to find. Imagine, if you will, a worldwide conspiracy to deny the existence of the color yellow. And whenever you saw yellow, they told you, no that isn't yellow, what the fuck's yellow? Eventually, whenever you saw yellow, you would say: that isn't yellow, course it isn't blue or green or purple, or...You'd say it, yes it is yellow, and become increasingly hysterical, and then go berserk."


taken from


♥ SR


Thursday, March 26, 2009



check out this site,
they have lovely stuff to buy!
thanks joyce for the link!



i spent my entire wee hours of the
morning reading through typo books
as insomnia sunk in deep preventing
my eyes from shutting. sometimes, i
really wonder whether it's the insomnia
or my constant ticking brain that keeps
me widely awake hungry for knowledge.

- -

anyways, for typo-amateurs i strongly
recommend two books i've read thus far.

- -

01. TYPOGRAPHY by ambrose/harris

a brief glimpse into typography,
and a very easy read, lots of visuals
to engage the designer eye in all of us.

02. GETTING IT RIGHT WITH TYPE by victoria squire

clear and concise, lots of comparisons of type and
room for the critic in you to be the judge of type.
despite little visuals it manages to pull you in.

my favorite witty paragraph inside the book?

"There are no binding recipes for type combinations.
It is a matter of typographic sensitivity and experience.
Expert typographers, as well as careless amateurs,
permit themselves combinations that would horrify
colleagues with more traditional sympathies"

ahas (:


- -

enjoy the read!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

dip show

26 March 2009 (by invitation only)
27 to 31 March 2009 (open to public)
Temasek Convention Centre, Temasek Polytechnic
Weekdays: 12noon to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Closed on Sunday

♥ SR


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

minimo nu

i got this minimo roughly 3 weeks ago, and i've yet explored it.
letting it sit and collect cobwebs while i buy the batteries and
SD card for it. this week's goal is to really USE my minimo!! (:
browsing through some photo possiblities taken by this mini
lomo, my direction seems promising!

(photo: AshenG)

♥ SR


the new cellphone

i've always been fascinated with things that visual excite,
as all designers do- we get bored easily with things around us,
craving for a constant shift of visuals and change. well, well....
one thing is straight, cellphones are becoming transparent!
so everything is see-through, how awesome is that?!

01. iphone concept

02. Lenovo-Poison

03. LG Electronics LG-GD900

(due to come out during the second half of this year)

04. More from designer: Mac Funamizu


♥ SR


Monday, March 23, 2009


i've contemplated enough
for the move. this will be
a new start, i've needed it.
much, after so much buzz
and transitions in my life.


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